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_:vb7680567 sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
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_:vb7680567 sd:name ns5:genomealliance .
@prefix ns6: <> .
_:vb7680567 sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680568 rdf:type sd:Graph .
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@prefix dcterms: <> .
_:vb7680568 dcterms:modified "2024-07-29"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of diseases, gene expression and orthologs related to glycogenes in Alliance of Genome Resources. RDF created by GlyCosmos." ;
dcterms:title "Alliance of Genome Resources" .
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_:vb7680568 void:classes "3"^^xsd:long ;
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sd:graph _:vb7680570 ;
sd:name ns5:cazy ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680570 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2022-05-09"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of Carbohydrate-related enzymes in The CAZy. RDF created by GlyCosmos." ;
dcterms:title "CAZy" ;
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sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
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sd:name ns5:disease ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680572 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2024-07-29"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "GlyCosmos' original dataset integrating disease information related to glycan-related genes obtained from the Alliance of Genome Resources and disease information from the Glyco-Disease Genes Database (GDGDB). This dataset is integrated with DO IDs (Disease Ontology IDs)." ;
dcterms:title "GlyCosmos Disease" ;
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void:distinctSubjects "81644"^^xsd:long ;
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sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
sd:graph _:vb7680574 .
@prefix ns10: <> .
_:vb7680573 sd:name ns10:pubchem ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680574 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2024-04-17"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of diseases related to glycogenes in PubChem. RDF created by GlyCosmos." ;
dcterms:title "GlyCosmos Disease (PubChem)" ;
void:classes "2"^^xsd:long ;
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void:distinctSubjects "4351"^^xsd:long ;
void:entities "3625"^^xsd:long ;
void:properties "5"^^xsd:long ;
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sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
sd:graph _:vb7680576 ;
sd:name ns5:hpo ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680576 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2023-07-07"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of diseases related to glycogenes in Human Phenotype Ontology. RDF created by GlyCosmos." ;
dcterms:title "Human Phenotype Ontology" ;
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void:entities "151241"^^xsd:long ;
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_:vb7680577 rdf:type sd:NamedGraph ;
sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
sd:graph _:vb7680578 .
@prefix ns11: <> .
_:vb7680577 sd:name ns11:fgdb ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680578 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2024-03-25"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of glycan related Drosophila gene in FlyGlycoDB. RDF created by GlyCosmos." ;
dcterms:title "FlyGlycoDB" ;
void:classes "16"^^xsd:long ;
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void:distinctSubjects "2855"^^xsd:long ;
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void:properties "26"^^xsd:long ;
void:triples "9166"^^xsd:long .
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sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
sd:graph _:vb7680580 ;
sd:name ns5:galaxy ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680580 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2022-03-31"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of glycoanalysis by the three axes of MS and chromatography in GALAXY. RDF created by GlyCosmos." ;
dcterms:title "GALAXY" ;
void:classes "4"^^xsd:long ;
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_:vb7680581 rdf:type sd:NamedGraph ;
sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
sd:graph _:vb7680582 ;
sd:name ns5:glycans ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680582 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2024-06-10"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of glycan external links. (GlyConnect, PubChem, ChEBI, Human Metabolome Database (HMDB))" ;
dcterms:title "External Link" ;
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_:vb7680583 rdf:type sd:NamedGraph ;
sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
sd:graph _:vb7680584 .
@prefix ns12: <> .
_:vb7680583 sd:name ns12:glycosequence ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680584 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of validated glycans in GlyTouCan. This dataset includes notations from GlycoCT, WURCS, IUPAC, GLYCAM, and others. RDF created by Glycosmos and updated weekly." ;
dcterms:title "GlyCosmos Glycans" ;
void:classes "2"^^xsd:long ;
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sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
sd:graph _:vb7680586 ;
sd:name ns12:motif_label ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680586 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2022-04-11"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of glycan motif label in GlycoNAVI-Motif." ;
dcterms:title "Motif" ;
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_:vb7680587 rdf:type sd:NamedGraph ;
sd:entailmentRegime ns4:OWL-RDF-Based ;
sd:graph _:vb7680588 ;
sd:name ns12:subsumption ;
sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680588 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of validated glycans in GlyTouCan. This dataset includes subsumption. RDF created by Glycosmos and updated weekly." ;
dcterms:title "Subsumption" ;
void:classes "4"^^xsd:long ;
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sd:supportedEntailmentProfile ns6:RL .
_:vb7680590 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
dcterms:modified "2024-01-11"^^xsd:date ;
dcterms:description "Dataset of glycan and organism in GlyGen, GlyTouCan. RDF created by GlyCosmos." ;
dcterms:title "Taxonomy" ;
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_:vb7680592 rdf:type sd:Graph ;
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dcterms:description "Trivial names for glycans." ;
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void:classes "9"^^xsd:long ;
void:distinctObjects "3092"^^xsd:long ;
void:distinctSubjects "1210"^^xsd:long ;
void:entities "12…
[Trailing bodies are truncated]