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Body | <rdf:RDF
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<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/vocab#broaderDescriptor">
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<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/vocab#Descriptor"/>
<dct:description>Relates one Descriptor to another. The immediate parent Descriptor(s) of a given Descriptor based on the TreeNumber hierarchy. Example: both DUI D007254 (Information Science) and DUI D008491 (Medical Informatics Applications) are parents of DUI D016247 (Information Storage and Retrieval).</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>Relates one Descriptor to another. The immediate parent Descriptor(s) of a given Descriptor based on the TreeNumber hierarchy. Example: both DUI D007254 (Information Science) and DUI D008491 (Medical Informatics Applications) are parents of DUI D016247 (Information Storage and Retrieval).</rdfs:comment>
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<dct:description>Relates Descriptors or SupplementaryConceptRecords to Descriptors. Reference to a Descriptor describing observed biological activity of an exogenously administered chemical represented by a Descriptor or SupplementaryConceptRecord.</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>Relates Descriptors or SupplementaryConceptRecords to Descriptors. Reference to a Descriptor describing observed biological activity of an exogenously administered chemical represented by a Descriptor or SupplementaryConceptRecord.</rdfs:comment>
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<dct:description>Relates one Concept to another. A semantic relationship between two Concepts, usually between the preferred concept and subordinate concept(s) where one is broader in meaning. Example: M0024816 is broader than M0024811.</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>Relates one Concept to another. A semantic relationship between two Concepts, usually between the preferred concept and subordinate concept(s) where one is broader in meaning. Example: M0024816 is broader than M0024811.</rdfs:comment>
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<dct:description>A property of Concepts. Free-text of the Chemical Abstracts Type N1 Name which is the systematic name used in the Chemical Abstracts Chemical Substance and Formula Indexes. The systematic name is a unique name assigned to a chemical substance to represent its structure. First available in 1995.</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>A property of Concepts. Free-text of the Chemical Abstracts Type N1 Name which is the systematic name used in the Chemical Abstracts Chemical Substance and Formula Indexes. The systematic name is a unique name assigned to a chemical substance to represent its structure. First available in 1995.</rdfs:comment>
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<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/vocab#lexicalTag">
<dct:description>A property of Terms. A 3-letter value that indicates the lexical category. Valid values with their meanings in parentheses are: ABB (Abbreviation); ABX (Embedded abbreviation); ACR (Acronym); ACX (Embedded acronym); EPO (Eponym); LAB (Lab number); NAM (Proper name); NON (None); and TRD (Trade name). Note that in the XML, a Permuted Term will always have the same Lexical Tag value as the term from which it is generated.</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>A property of Terms. A 3-letter value that indicates the lexical category. Valid values with their meanings in parentheses are: ABB (Abbreviation); ABX (Embedded abbreviation); ACR (Acronym); ACX (Embedded acronym); EPO (Eponym); LAB (Lab number); NAM (Proper name); NON (None); and TRD (Trade name). Note that in the XML, a Permuted Term will always have the same Lexical Tag value as the term from which it is generated.</rdfs:comment>
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<dct:description>A property of Descriptors. Most MeSH Descriptors have a corresponding NLM Classification (the system for the organization of literature). Descriptors that lack an NLM Classification Number include those that point to more than one number, those in the Z Tree (Geographicals), and many of those in the V Tree (Publication Characteristics). This NLM classification is similar to the Library of Congress Classification (LCC).</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>A property of Descriptors. Most MeSH Descriptors have a corresponding NLM Classification (the system for the organization of literature). Descriptors that lack an NLM Classification Number include those that point to more than one number, those in the Z Tree (Geographicals), and many of those in the V Tree (Publication Characteristics). This NLM classification is similar to the Library of Congress Classification (LCC).</rdfs:comment>
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<dct:description>Relates one Concept to another. A semantic relationship between two Concepts, usually between the preferred Concept and subordinate Concept(s) where one is neither broader nor narrower in meaning. Example: M0000562 is related to M0000561</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>Relates one Concept to another. A semantic relationship between two Concepts, usually between the preferred Concept and subordinate Concept(s) where one is neither broader nor narrower in meaning. Example: M0000562 is related to M0000561</rdfs:comment>
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<dct:description>A special class of descriptor that describes what type of publication a resource is as opposed to what it is about. All MeSH Publication Types are in the V tree.</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>A special class of descriptor that describes what type of publication a resource is as opposed to what it is about. All MeSH Publication Types are in the V tree.</rdfs:comment>
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<rdfs:label>MeSH PublicationType</rdfs:label>
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<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/vocab#indexerConsiderAlso">
<dct:description>Relates SupplementaryConceptRecords to Descriptors or DescriptorQualifierPairs. A Descriptor or DescriptorQualifierPair that is usually broader than the SupplementaryConceptRecord, and which is suggested as an indexing guideline for addition to the citation if pertinent to the article being indexed.</dct:description>
<rdfs:comment>Relates SupplementaryConceptRecords to Descriptors or DescriptorQualifierPairs. A Descriptor or DescriptorQualifierPair that is usually broader than the SupplementaryConceptRecord, and which is suggested as an indexing guideline for addition to the citation if pertinent to the article being indexed.</rdfs:comment>
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<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/vocab#Concept">
<rdfs:comment>MeSH concepts are meanings. Many MeSH concepts contain synonymous terms. meshv:Concept identifiers begin with 'M' such as M0000013, 'Congenital Abnormalities'.</rdfs:comment>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/vocab#TreeNumber"/>
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<dct:description>MeSH concepts are meanings. Many MeSH concepts contain synonymous terms. meshv:Concept identifiers begin with 'M' such as M0000013, 'Congenital Abnormalities'.</dct:description>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="http://id.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/vocab#SupplementaryConceptRecord"/>
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<rdfs:label>MeSH Concept</rdfs:label>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="http:/…
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